CUHK medical elective : how to get a dorm room or accommodation?
Medicine/분홍오리의 일상 2017. 10. 7. 00:48I am a student who will attend a medical elective course at Chinese University of Hong Kong, or CUHK.
I have wrestled with accommodation for more than a month. And as a result, I got a dorm room near the hospital, a dorm which is run exclusively for hospital personnel!
Here I made a video for those who want to know how to get a dorm room in Prince Wales Hospital, where you will be learning during the attachment period. (You could choose to go to CUHK dorm room but it would take around 40 minutes or more. )
The video entails the process of getting a dorm room.
If you intend to get other sources of housing near hong kong, then your choice would be flat share or rent an apartment.
Below is the facebook link where you can find a roommate to share a room.
I tried to find one but that facebook link does not really ensure you will get the right room at the right time.
Another problem is that most of the rooms on those links or other commercial hostels are all located near Hong Kong Island, not Sha Tin.
Of course the transportation is good there so if you find a right one, you can commute to hospital but it would take at least 30 minutes or more, plus it would be more expensive. If the money is worth it, and you are rich enough, this is out of the question.
+ If you are rich enough, there is a hotel near Sha Tin area so you could look for one...
For those who are seriously considering to stay in the hostel or rooms (be it serviced apartment or rent), I recommend you to look for one near hong kong island area, not near Sha Tin or northern areas. This would sound quizzy but considering the transportation, it takes less time to commute and you can have a nice weekend around Hong Kong island!
Or another way is to apply for HKU. I went to HKU 4 years ago as an exchange student, and actually got a flat just in front of the Queen Mary hospital. There are actually some rooms that you can get. And my suggestion is to get a flat, not a real dormitory building because Student's flat is where all the exchange students gather together! You can have fun there, and it is less strict than other dormitory.
But the reason I did not apply to HKU is because it requires the applicant to apply 1 year ahead, which is not possible for a lazy person like me...
And the document they require is more complicated than CUHK. I found CUHK more favorable to foreign students except that they are not willing to provide a dorm room...
Anyway the choice is up to you. If you have any questions or comments, or if you want to share anything, please leave one.
There seems to be scanty information online on this subject matter...
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- 분홍오리
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